Our Heroes Speaks the truth


Vibha Shukla

Joining <Brand Name> while I was appearing for the 12th board was a wise decision. I have learne

- The Mommy Shots Studio experiences


Our Achiever’s Club

Thank you sir for efficient content and test series. Thanks for my final selection in FCI AGM


Ravi Sharma-FCI AGM

As a Chartered Accountant since 2019, I embarked on my journey of preparing for PSU exams while simultaneously working in the private sector. During this process, a friend introduced me to TCC, and upon exploring their YouTube channel and website, I discovered a treasure trove of resources tailored for PSU preparation. The comprehensive package offered by TCC provided me with all the necessary study materials in one convenient place, which significantly streamlined my preparation process. This initiative by TCC, I believe, was pioneering in its approach, and the affordability of the package was an added bonus. Accessing all relevant materials in one place not only saved me time but also proved instrumental in my success in the PSU exams. I am immensely grateful to TCC for their invaluable support and guidance throughout my preparation journey. Thank you, TCC!


Ankit Singh -NCL 

I Cleared my CA in may 2019, immediately joined a big 4 firm in the situatory audit profile and worked for approximately 2 years. Powergrid is the first PSU for which i wrote the exam. I secured 6th Rank in the UR category.Along with PGCIL, I have also given Neyveli Lignite Corp and cleared that as well. During my preparation, I first covered TCC MCQ Bank . In my case, due to my work commitments, i could not get long leaves to prepare for these exams, so i used to prepare on weekends regularly. So i never lost touch with the subject topics. Also i used the full fledged Test series of TEJAS COMMERCE CLASSES to ensure that i manage my time well during the exam. Due to the exam like experience created by TCC , I did not feel different when i gave the exam and was well planned. Thank you so much TCC for helping me a lot.


Mahadev (Powergrid 2020)


At TEJAS COMMERCE CLASSES, learning is far superior
to earning

TEJAS COMMERCE CLASSES is the dedicated coaching Institute in the sector of Govt Exam preparation for CA/CMA/MBA/M.com aspirants. TCC is working in this filed since 2009 and till date 2000+ aspirants have been selected in different PSU Exams, state Govt and Central Govt organisations. We just use the experience of our founder team who have cleared the 7+ Exams in Govt Sector. We are committed to provide you all with best guide and right approach to crack exams after CA/CMA/MBA. Our Team is continously updating the study material as per Exam patterns and level of questions. All the Best Guys......

TCC is not a brand in the competitive Exam preparation sector, its result of believe of millions of students who are connected from different areas of India and at different off line or online mode. We always try to improve your stability and right approach for final selection.
