Where can I get the study material for your courses?
Our study material is available here <https://classplusapp.com/diy/preview/courses> or you can find them under the our courses section. You can find the best course as per your exam type and preparation level.
Is it possible to view the Content at Laptop or Computer
Yes you can. If you want the study material at Laptop or computer , type in classplus student log in then put org code KGMZS
Can i install the App ?
Yes, you may install the TEJAS COMMERCE CLASSES App from play store .
Can i reschedule my course validity?
Yes, Pls mail us for reschedule validity.
Can i get guide for Interview preparation on call with expert ?
Yes, if you have selected in main exams and now appearing for Interview then you may mail us for Interview guide. Our Team will connect you.
Can i get the refund the fees ?
Yes, Within 3 days if you feels that course is not worthwhile for me as per my choice, you may get refund through mail us within 3 days .
Can i download the study material ?
Yes, here there are some files which may downloadable withn App.